About Laura

My name is Laura Lynn Michaud and my style is to help you find yours!

Laura Michaud

Laura Michaud

I was born, raised and currently reside in the lovely state of Maine where I write a fashion blog titled Laura’s Style filled with inspirational tips and tricks for Maine women living a casual lifestyle. I believe that we are so lucky to live in this gorgeous state of Maine where we can live a laid back life. But there are some circumstances that we may need to dress a little more special for. Some of those circumstances may include a job, an interview, a wedding or a party of some kind. And being a Maine native, I know that it is just as easy to feel over dressed as it is underdressed in certain situations. No one likes feeling awkward. We all just want to fit in with our friendly Maine neighbors! My goal is to inspire you to take a step out of your box and help you realize that while being in your comfort zone may be, well………comforting, great things never came from staying in our comfort zones. I believe that I was put on this planet to help you discover and develop your personal style in your everyday life as well as your eventful life while living in the magnificent sate of Maine.

I am also the curator for The Canny Canary, my online vintage jewelry and accessory boutique. I am determined to convince you that wearing vintage accessories with your modern look is super chic. Once you wear vintage jewels you won’t feel right wearing anything else. Trust me, what’s old is cool again! I travel up, down and around New England scouting out the prettiest vintage jewels you will ever find, totally with YOU in mind. Vintage jewelry has such a history behind that is as unique as the person who wears it. And once you wear something as special as vintage, you will find that anything modern tends to be just a little boring.

So, follow my blog and style on!